
[Flutter] StreamController(Broadcast, Listener) 구현하기

생각하는로뎅 2024. 3. 9. 14:13

1. 사용 목적


  1) 특정한 값을 비동기 방식으로 결과를 받아서 처리할 때 사용한다.

  2) 여러 곳으로 결과를 알릴 때 사용한다.



2. StreamController


A controller with the stream it controls.
This controller allows sending data, error and done events on its stream.
This class can be used to create a simple stream that others can listen on, and to push events to that stream.
It's possible to check whether the stream is paused or not, and whether it has subscribers or not, as well as getting a callback when either of these change.

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- 출처 :


StreamController class - dart:async library - Dart API

A controller with the stream it controls. This controller allows sending data, error and done events on its stream. This class can be used to create a simple stream that others can listen on, and to push events to that stream. It's possible to check whethe


3. 예제(Example)


1) controller.dart

mport 'dart:async';

class Controller {

      // instance
     static Controller? controller;

     // 상태 broad cast stream
     StreamController stateStreamController = StreamController();

     /// instance 반환
     Controller? getInstance() {
         controller ??= Controller();
         return controller ;

     /// 초기화
     void init(){

     /// 상태 체크 StreamController 반환
     StreamController? getStreamController() {

           // cloase 하지 않으면 이전에 사용한 stream 으로 인해서
           // fluuter tream has already been listened to 에러 발생

          stateStreamController = StreamController();

          return stateStreamController;


     /// BoradCast 전송
     void sendBroadCast(){
          // 상태 값 borad cast 알림



2) main.dart

        Controller? controller = Controller().getInstance();
        Stream? stateStream = controller?.getStreamController()?.stream;

        stateStream?.listen((event) {
          onDone: () {
          onError: (error) {



4. 설명

  controller.dart 에서 StreamController 객체를 생성하여




  stream 객체를 얻어와서




   stateStream?. listen을 아래와 같이 구현 후,




   StreamController 객체인 stateStreamController의 메서드 add를 추가하면,




   event의 값으로 데이터가 넘어온다.



