Ubuntu mounting a hard disk

Linux/Ubuntu 2013. 4. 16. 15:18 Posted by 생각하는로뎅

1. fdisk /dev/sdb

SATA : sdb (sd* )

SCSI : hdb (hd*)

2. p (enter)

3. n (enter)

이미 등록되어 있다면 d 로 삭제 후, 다시 시도 2번 시도

4. p

5. 1 (default)

6. (enter) default value [ first sector ]

7. (enter) default value [ last sector ]

8. mkdir /mnt/d

9. mount /dev/sdb /mnt/d


umount /mnt/d


mount: you must specify the filesystem type

필자의 경우

mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/d 로, sdb1로 하니까 잘 되었음 안되면 아래사항 참고


You need to add the -t FILESYSTEMTYPE argument to the command, replacing FILESYSTEMTYPE with your filesystem type. This specifies the filesystem type of the filesystem to be mounted. In your case, this would be /dev/sdb2. Some common, valid filesystem types are:

auto - this is a special one. It will try to guess the fs type when you use this.

ext4 - this is probably the most common Linux fs type of the last few years

ext3 - this is the most common Linux fs type from a couple years back

ntfs - this is the most common Windows fs type or larger external hard drives

vfat - this is the most common fs type used for smaller external hard drives


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